- #The power of the ancients stargate movie
- #The power of the ancients stargate series
- #The power of the ancients stargate tv
There's one other thing to mention: the music.
#The power of the ancients stargate movie
There's also one or two moments that evoke memories of the original movie from years ago and fans should get a smile out of it.
#The power of the ancients stargate series
They go from mountains in the opening credits, the ruins of Dakarra and the Altaran city, to the Ark itself: something that was hard (if not impossible) for the series to do with even a two-part two of the series. The effects and photography aren't just as good as they were on the show, they're better. The story has so much going on though that we don't get to see some of the things fans would like to have seen but we see enough to keep everyone happy. The story feels epic, taking us from Earth to the Ori galaxy and back again. There is a scope to the film that wasn't possible for the show on television. The rest of the production is also first rate for the film, in both writing and production values, is epic. The real stand out of the supporting cast however is Currie Graham as Merrick, the double crossing IOA supervisor. The supporting cast does too from Beau Bridges to Sarah Strange, from Sarah Strange to the villainous Julian Sands and the absolutely evil Morena Baccarin. That's not to say the rest of cast doesn't, but Shanks and Browder really do stand out in this. In particular Michael Shanks and Ben Browder both get to shine in their roles of Daniel Jackson and Cameron Mitchell. From the performances of SG-1's members, it's just like picking up where Unending left off. In fact one might go so far as to assume that the show never ended. Indeed, The Ark Of Truth proves to be both an epic and fitting end to the Ori storyline. The Ark Of Truth lives up the hype of fans hoping for an epic end to the storyline that drove the show's final two seasons. Leaving the Ori storyline unresolved at the end of Sg-1's final season, the makers of the show give us this film. For anyone who has NOT seen seasons 9 & 10 of Stargate: SG1 I would advise holding off until you have seen those seasons to put everything in proper context. For those familiar with the SG1 series (particularly seasons 9 & 10) The Ark of Truth is highly recommended. No major surprises, but it was carried off very well. Finally, the resolution of the story is what they've been setting up for the last two years of the series.

This was made for the fans who weren't happy about the Sci-Fi channel cancelling the show in a cost cutting move, and as one of those fans I am very glad they made this movie.

This was made for the fans who have been following the show for the last decade. Clearly, though, this was not made to win over new fans. Paring it down and eliminating one of those subplots might have made the movie a little better (Sam and Teal'c don't get quite enough to do in the movie as a result), but as it is I still think it's a damned entertaining movie - as long as you've watched the last 10 years of SG1. The only gripe I had about it was that they threw in everything but the kitchen sink (all of the prerequisite SG1 subplots were there).
#The power of the ancients stargate tv
As for the special effects, I thought they were excellent (not $100 million budget excellent, but for a straight to DVD movie based on a cancelled TV series they were fantastic). The actors continued to do what they do with these characters (which is a good thing), and the action was very good (although they've done better before). The Ark of Truth was well written and directed, and felt like a direct continuation of season 10. The Ark of Truth was the kind of satisfying finale to season 10 that I was hoping for.