More rarely, you can open multiple database files at once to restore from a backup or archive, or view the contents of an OmniFocus database other than your own.
#Omnifocus styles windows
Typically, you’ll only interact with your primary default OmniFocus database you can open multiple windows onto it at once to maintain different view states simultaneously. OmniFocus and its various perspectives act as windows onto your database, interpreting the data there in ways that help you get stuff done. Database The file that OmniFocus uses to hold all of the information that you add to the app. Click an item’s status circle to mark it complete. Complete The status assigned to an item when you’ve finished it, or finished all the actions that comprise it (in the case of a project or group). The blocked state is derived from an action’s position in its project to unblock an action, either change the project to another type or move the action to the top of the project list. Blocked The state of an action in a sequential project that comes after the first available action. Availablilty is derived from an item’s defer date, project type, and project or tag status. Available An item state and View option that includes items that aren’t blocked, deferred, or on hold. Active status can be set on projects and tags using the inspector.

Active The status for an item that’s planned for completion, or a tag that’s currently in use.

Action Group Also referred to as a sub-project, an action group is a set of actions nested hierarchically within a parent action (which itself can be part of a project). Glossary Action An item that’s part of a project, or part of a group within a project.